Movie Review: Bird Box

     Okay, so, if you have some spare time on your hands and you are into the whole 'end is nigh' kind of movie, then BIRD BOX is for you. Don't think you would find any deep meaning to this movie cus it's got non. Don't think you will have the kind of guts and blood you get from a typical horror movie, you'll be disappointed. This movie is a total 'jack of all trade, master of non' kind. It's a sci-fi, action, mystery,  horror film with no particular heads or tails. 
    Though I agree that one movie could mean many things to many different people after seeing my sister crying and my girlfriend so excited like she just saw the best movie ever, Bird Box still remains the most open-end movie I have seen in a long time. With no specific explanation to so many things in the movie, you would almost think the producers didn't watch the movie when they were done with production.

    For a post apocalyptic movie, this is not the best nor the worst movie ever made. One thing you would expect from this genre of cinematography is that the monster/being causing everybody to go nuts will eventually be revealed to us but I guess no one demonic/alien entity could make up for the hype they created for the movie.
     Sandra Bullock as always, never disappoints. She did exactly what she was told to do but maybe she was just too serious. Killing Sarah Paulson's character at the start of the movie may not have gone down well with me cause in recent times, I would have picked her to play the lead role over Bullock but what do I know, I bet the producers love it like that. And please, who put REL in a horror movie, he should just stick to his sit-com, we love him like that. As much as I would have loved to praise Machine Gun Kelly (MGK) for his appearance in bird box, I'm still with Eminem, so no comment.
    Have you ever seen a drunk man who wasn't drunk, I have, John malkovich's drunk-but-not drunk scene alone was an absolute disaster. Never again should anyone ever try to fool us with such theatrics.
     In conclusion, if you want to enjoy this movie, like I did the second time, have little to no expectations, don't try to read meaning to anything, just watch and relax.

     Now, outside the movie, I honestly don't have the wildest clue why people are doing the crazy bird box challenge. It's reckless and it makes absolutely no sense. Properties are being recked and people are getting injured but whatever fame or money anybody plans to get from this isn't worth it. Stay safe, watch the movie and just have fun....but if you must do the challenge, please don't endanger the lives of others.
     Don't forget to drop your comments below and subscribe. See you on the next review.

NB: In case you have an eye for details, watch the movie again, you might just see some deep occultic sh*t in there that dates back over 200 years.


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