
     Anny sat alone in the restaurant amidst the chatter and chinking sounds of tableware made by other customers, wondering how she was going to pay for her expensive dinner upon realizing that her purse was missing.
     "I had my purse when the driver dropped me here" She thought to herself.
     It felt like a bad joke.  The waiter was walking in Anny's direction even though she hadn't waved to him. She could see the bill in his hand. The closer the waiter got, the faster Anny's heart raised. She knew why he was coming to her even though she wasn't done with her meal. Anny had made it clear to the manager that she always wanted to be made a priority whenever she stepped into the restaurant but she prayed for ones to be ignored while she reminisced on what might have happened to her purse.
     Anny searched her bag in hopes that she might have missed the purse the first time. She raised her head and was pleased to see the waiter attending to a  couple sitting a few tables from her. She tried to be subtle as she took a roster of what was in her bag for the seventh time. Her make up kit, external hard drive, iPod, slip-on, hand sanitizer, a few loose change, VIP tickets to Marven concert but no purse.
     "How's the meal madam?" The waiter asked.
Anny was lost in thoughts.
     "Madam?"  The waiter spoke under his voice but it resonated to a few tables nearby.
Anny was petrified to see the waiter in front of her. She caught the glances of a few restaurant patrons as they turned their heads back to their dinner.
     "Sorry I startled you ma, I was asking if you enjoyed your meal." The waiter reiterated.
Anny was naturally a talkative but her sudden predicament had benumb her. Sweat had wrestled its way out from beneath her make up. She was perspiring in a fully air conditioned room. She imagined the embarrassment that was about to befall her.
     At that moment, Anny began to recall the events of the day and wished that she was back in the office or at home or anywhere else but the fancy restaurant. She thought about waking up in her boyfriend's bed, their kiss when he dropped her off at her apartment on his way to the airport, the successful presentation at work and her promotion to Vice President of the company.
     "Are you okay ma?" The waiter asked.
     "Yes, I'm fine. Can I please see your manager?" Anny replied.
The waiter moved closer to Anny.
     "Please ma'am, if there's any complain you have, you can tell me."
     "Oh no, the food is good, thank you." Anny reassured the waiter.
     "Okay ma, give me a minute" The waiter turns to attend to another customer.
     "Wait..." Anny puts her hand out to stops the waiter.
The waiter pauses.
     "Don't I know you?" Anny adds.
     "Yes ma'am, I've been your waiter for the last six months."
     "No, not here." Anny sounded unconvinced.
The waiter's face darkens.
     "I was your company driver."
     "Yes, I knew I had seen you somewhere." She sounded pleased.
     "Why did you quit?" Anny probed.
     "I didn't, you fired me." The waiter replied.
Anny felt a sharp pain in her chest.
     "Why?" Anny asked
     "It's not important." The waiter tried to turn away.
     "No, please i need to know" She pleaded.
The waiter looked around then moved closer to Anny.
     "I only got to drive you ones and on that very day, my mother was in the hospital dying, I didn't know this at first but when I eventually picked the phone which had been ringing continuously, you were so upset that you told me to park the car, collected the key and drove away. I was fired on the spot."
     "You should have explained yourself."
     "You didn't give me a chance."
     "I'm so sorry. How is your mum now?"
     "She didn't make it."
     "I am deeply sorry for the way I treated you. I wish I could go back and change everything."
     "I have waited nine months to hear you say that ma." Said the waiter.
     "I truly am sorry." Anny said soberly.
     "It's okay ma. I'll like to get back to work now" The waiter prepared to leave.
Anny didn't reply.
     "Is there anything you need while I get the manager?" The waiter asked.
     "I lost my purse." Anny summoned the last of her courage to speak.
     "Oh, I forgot, have this ma." He brought out a purse from under his tray.
Anny's eyes opened wide as she stretched out her hand to collect the purse, her purse.
     "Where...?" Anny asked joyously.
     "I found it at the entrance."
Anny had never been happier in her life..
                                                         THE END


  1. What a nice story. No matter your status in life, never look down on people. I got the message.


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