Last Night

As I stared down the barrel of the M16 pointed at my face, my life flashed before my eyes. I should never have followed them, I should never have listen to my friends who convinced me that I was going to have a good time. Instead, I had to contend with the thoughts of losing my life to some thugs with guns, ready to blow anybody's brains out as they robbed us blind of our valaubles. It had been a long boring day, so I reluctantly joined my boys, Keji, Oye and Deji at the club. We had only had a few drinks when they told me they had a surprise for me. i knew their plans were always bad but i played along. Oye grabbed his car keys, stood up and headed for the exit and we all followed suit. We all got into his car and Oye drove out of the compound. A few minutes later, we were having drinks at a brothel that doubled as a beer palour. I still thought we were there for drinks but one after the other, my frineds went in with the ladies of the n...